uncommissioned illustration

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I just finished three illustrations that someone requested me to do for free .. This one is actually one of the original illustrations but I changed some of it a bit for the person who requested them. He is actually from my graduate school class and he has quite a couple of booming online businesses. He's planning to use the drawings for his website. Fingers crossed, he'll like the drawings and put them up on his website!

Material/s I used:
Paint - the simple graphic painting program available in all versions of Microsoft Windows. 
I used my netbook's touchpad to draw. 

I hope one day I can put my hands on watercolor paint so I can give it a shot but as of the moment, with work and thesis I just don't have the time. BLJ

Southwest Monsoon, "Habagat"

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When I was still a child, everytime the name of the city I was born and grew up in came up, people normally thought of this urbanized area with one of the richest local governments in the country and with the most disciplined residents. When one says Marikina, awards recognizing excellence in governance and health and environment initiative come into mind.

Marikina River

Comment script for blogger- solved

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Finally, my blogger theme is all set. I did some tweaking to fit the theme to my personal taste.
I had a problem, however, with regard to the 'count nouns' of the comment script. Instead of showing 1 comment, it shows 1 comments, which is bad for presentation.
Nonetheless, with my obsessive interest in html/css codes, I was able to find a way to fix that. Actually, that particular compulsive preoccupation did help me customize this theme but the real assistance for the comments issue came from BlogU.
If you are having the same isssue, click here for the only, and I mean, only solution there is on the internet.


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I've decided to move to blogger from tumblr for several reasons. 
I want to have a blogroll on my main page, a more manageable archive, and -- I can't remember the other reasons but my original blog really was on blogspot so I am really excited to be here again!